10-April-2023 11:43:33

SPOT NEWS: #Hong Kong to drop COVID mask mandate from March this year #Serbia and Kosovo accept EU #US asks Mexico to extradite son of 'El Chapo #Lionel Messi named FIFA men's player of the year #Zelensky calls for special tribunal at the Hague #The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)


By Ravi V. Chhabra

Take this simple content test. Type ‘imagine’ in the Google or Yahoo search bar and check the results. It will invariably show up the cult song ‘imagine’ written by the famous British rock n’ roll band singer John Lennon of the Beatles. The point I am making is that even in the early 1970s when the instantaneously famous song was released, its meaningful lyrics were unparalleled and remain so till date. Lyrics or words must be rich in content or meaning.

Fee Based: This is the hallmark of good content. The intelligent robots or crawlers pervading the cyberspace unleashed by various IT behemoths are trained or let us say genetically built to capture and index original content. Their appetite for content is insatiable. The rules in the media are simple. Texts automatically get noticed and indexed as per the originality of content and the words density ensures this on the internet. This makes your keywords and text composition unique and worthy of effort and enhances its longevity.

In comparison, go back to the same search engines and type in the word ‘bloody fool’. Now see what you get? Nothing substantial, nothing worthwhile! This also tells us that ‘bloody fool’ may be a highly commonly used word or a rebuke but it has no real value. Thus, it remains a shallow word and nothing important is attached to it. The content writing and editing undertaken by Ravi V. Chhabra and his team is original and creative. Even though you may be a new media writer (read web content), it is advisable to follow the basic rules of writing. What is relished by the human mind will also appeal to the robots and crawlers on the internet. The only difference is smarter headlines and shorter text for the web writing and eye-grabbing photos/visuals with descriptive alt texts. This is because web readers do not like to ‘read’ too much – hence the word web surfers!

Is there original content development? Is there too much content plagiarism on the internet? The answer to both is ‘yes’ says veteran journalist, Content Writer and Editor Ravi V. Chhabra. “It actually depends what you want to do. So why ‘content is king’? The robots and spiders crawling the websites, blogs etc are blind to photographs in the present technology. They can only read text and this includes ‘alternate text’ that appears on the photographs on mouse over as description. This is a blessing for those who like to provide creative photo captions etc. With words, a good content writer can create a visual for the robots and make the indexing of that page/photo completely viable”, he says.

“I know an ex-colleague who has an entire dynamic website of enticing photographs that is doing extremely well in terms of SEO and even Google advertisement revenue generation and this is because he has mastered the art of providing alternate text on the photographs with absolute efficacy”! We at www.raviVchhabra.com believe that the mantra for any credible content writer is to write original content and creative alt texts. without getting onto the internet to validate it as a temptation and if possible work in tandem with a good SEO (search engine optimization) experts, like our team at: www.ravivchhabra.com .

This is more so if you are targeting better traffic on your web-page or if you want your articles/content to have a long shelf life on the net. Either way your content wins and so does its web visibility! The last word is: Get your original content registered on www.copyscape.com so you know who is stealing or copy pasting your unique content and when to catch the content pirates…

Copyright: 2015, Ravi V. Chhabra. NOTE: Seek email permission before using in part or entirety. No work on this website shall be used without attibution post-permission. Email: ravi.chabra@gmail.com
